We strive to...
To reduce the energy, water, and waste footprint in our operations, as far as practically feasible.
To follow all local recycling protocols and encourage guests as well as staff to join them to the extent possible.
To implement sustainable technologies to reduce energy consumption in our buildings wherever possible.
To minimize the use of single-use plastic wherever possible.
To increase the proportion of organic and/or locally sourced food and beverages we offer.
To establish processes that promote a preference for environmentally friendly products and deliveries.
To consider animal welfare in purchasing decisions and operational processes.
To source products and services locally.
To provide employees with training, tools, and volunteer opportunities to participate in corporate responsibility efforts.
To promote awareness of responsible travel and tourism among our guests.
Under the website, we would typically present:
CO2 savings and actions from the last year
CO2 saving actions and usage data for 2022, including water, steam/district heating, electricity, and waste, along with delivery details for sustainability
Percentage of LED lights in-house
List of our local and organic food and beverage suppliers, including certificates